These fact sheets reflect the work of from the Mississippi River Hydrodynamic and Delta Management Study.
1-D Modeling evaluated long-term responses fo the Lower Mississippi River to the operation of existing and proposed diversions. It estimated reach-scale variations in sediment delivery, scour and deposition, and bed material gradation alon the LMR over the project life of the proposed diversions. (Read Fact Sheet)
Multi-Dimensional Modeling applies a suite of numerical models (FLOW-3D, DELFT-3D, FVOCOM, ADH/SEDLIB) that can accurately simulate the pertinent physical processes in the river and adjacent basins. The output from these models contributes to the engineering, design, operation and management of proposed river diversions and enhances our understanding of the potential influence that diversions will have on river and wetland morphology. (Read Fact Sheet)
Geomorphic Assessment provides the foundation for projecting future trends with and without proposed project features. This task integrates field surveys with exiting gage data, sediment data, measurements of channel geometry and hydraulic data to characterize hydrologic trends, process-form interactions of the river and natural anthropogenic changes to the system. (Read Fact Sheet)
Data Collection and management will compile and analyze existing data and conduct field observational studies of water and sediment dynamics to supplement existing data sets as needed. This effort will enable researchers to characterize existing conditions and processes. Observational data will also support the development of numerical models that are capable of simulating the complex behavior of water, sediment, nutrients and salinity. (Read Fact Sheet)
Data Management will provide data management and associated support services to the Mississippi River Hydrodynamic and Delta Management Study project team. This effort requires assessing, processing, compiling and archiving large volumes of legacy and newly-collected geoscientific data that will be used for modeling and other analysis of river processes. (Read Fact Sheet)