U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES)
WES Paper H, “Sediment Investigation on the Mississippi River and Its Tributaries Prior to 1930,” July 1930.
WES Paper U, “Sediment Investigation on the Mississippi River and Its Tributaries 1930 - 1931,” December 1931.
WES Paper I, “Experiment to Determine the Effects of Proposed Dredged Cutoffs on the Mississippi River,” April 1932.
WES Paper 17, “Studies of River Bed Materials and Their Movement, with Special Reference to the Lower Mississippi River,” January 1935.
WES Technical Memorandum (TM) 120-1, “Report on Sediment Investigations, Mississippi River Low Water of 1936,” April 1937.
WES TM 120-2, “Transmittal of Report on Sediment Investigations, Mississippi River Low Water of 1939,” May 1940.
WES TM 122-1, “Study of Materials in Suspension, Mississippi River,” February 1939.
WES TM 158-1, “Study of Materials in Transport, Passes of the Mississippi River,” September 1939.
WES TM 3-273, “Geological Investigation of Gravel Deposits in the Lower Mississippi Valley and Adjacent Uplands,” May 1949.
WES, (unnumbered), “A Laboratory Study of the Meandering of Alluvial Rivers, (Studies Conducted 1942-1944),” May 1945, J.F. Friedkin. (Read Report)
WES, (unnumbered), “Fine Grained Alluvial Deposits and Their Effects on the Mississippi River Activity,” July 1947.
WES, (unnumbered), “Report on Conference of Sand-Asphalt Revetment,” 12 August 1948.
WES TM 3-288, “Geological Investigation of Mississippi River Activity, Memphis, Tenn., to Mouth of the Arkansas River,” June 1949.
WES TM 3-318, “Bank Caving Investigations, Morville Revetment, Mississippi River,” September 1950.
WES TM 3-329, “Investigation of Mass Placement of Sand Asphalt for Underwater Protection of River Banks,” August 1951.
“Mississippi River Cutoffs,” G.H. Matthes, Proceedings, ASCE, Vol 73, No. 1, Paper 2329, pp 3-17, January 1947.
WES Miscellaneous Paper (MP) 3-9, “Potamology Barrel Samples,” August 1952.
WES MP 3-10, “Torsion Shear Study,” August 1952.
WES MP 3-12, “Study of Variability of Sand Deposits,” August 1952.
WES MP 2-35, “Flume Investigation of Prototype Revetment,” September 1952.
WES TM 3-362, “Investigation of Bituminous Cold Mixes for the Protection of Upper River Banks,” April 1953.
WES Technical Report (TR) 3-436, “Review of Petrographic Studies of Bed Material, Mississippi River, Its Tributaries, and Offshore Areas of Deposition,” June 1956.
WES TR 3-483, “Geology of the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain, Southeastern Louisiana, Volumes I and II,” C.R. Kolb and J.R. Van Lopik, July 1958.
WES TR 3-601, “Distribution of Soils Bordering the Mississippi River from Donaldsonville to Head of Passes,” C.R. Kolb, June 1962.
WES TR M-77-1, “Inventory of Sediment Sample Collection Stations in the Mississippi River Basin,” M.P. Keown, E.A. Dardeau, and J.G. Kennedy, March 1977. (Also listed as “Inventory of Sediment Data”, LMVD Potamology Program T-1, Work Package 9, Prepared for USACE New Orleans District)
WES Contract Report 3-81, “Feasibility Study of Improved Methods for Riverbank Stabilization,” (Harza Engineering Co.), November 1964.