The following publications were sponsored either in entirety or in part by Mississippi Valley Division or one of its districts.
Kilgore, K.J., P. Hartfield, R.A. Fisher, W.T. Slack, D. Biedenharn, B. Kleiss. 2013. DRAFT Conservation Plan for the Interior Least Tern, Pallid Sturgeon, and Fat Pocketbook Mussel in the Lower Mississippi River (Endangered Species Act, Section 7(a)(1)) (Read Report)
Miranda, L.E., K.J. Killgore, and J.J. Hoover. 2013. Fish Assemblages in Borrow-pit lakes of the Lower Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142 (3): 596-605.
Boysen, K.A., K. J. Killgore, J. J. Hoover. 2012. Ranking Restoration Alternatives for the Lower Mississippi River: Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. EMRRP Technical Notes Collection. EMRRP-ER-17. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. (Read Tech Note)
George, S. G., W. T. Slack, and J. J. Hoover. 2012. A note on the fecundity of pallid sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28:512-515.
Killgore, K.J., B. Bruchman, R. Hunt, L. Yu Lin, J.J. Hoover, Don Johnson, Dave Johnson, G. Young, K. Parrish, R. Goldman, and A. Casper. 2012. EnviroFish, Version 1.0: User’s Manual. ERDC/EL TR-12-19, Vicksburg, MS: Engineer Research and Development Center. (Read Tech Report)
Killgore, K. J., J. J. Hoover, and B. R. Lewis. 2012. Ranking secondary channels for restoration using an index approach. EMRRP Technical Notes Collection. ERDC TN-EMRRP-ER-15. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
Hoover, J.J., J.A. Collins, K.A. Boysen, A.W. Katzenmeyer, and K.J. Killgore. 2011. Critical swim speeds of adult shovelnose sturgeon in rectilinear and boundary layer flow. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27: 226-230.
Hoover, J.J., K.A. Boysen, J.A. Beard, and H. Smith. 2011. Assessing the risk of entrainment by cutterhead dredges to juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and juvenile pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27: 369-379.
Killgore, K.J., L.E. Miranda, C.E. Murphy, D. M. Wolff, J. J. Hoover, T. M. Keevin, S. T. Maynord, and M. A. Cornish. 2011. Fish entrainment rate through towboat propellers in the upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140: 570-581.
Miranda, L.E. and K. J. Killgore. 2011. Catfish spatial distribution in the free-flowing Mississippi River. Pages 521-534 in P. H. Michaketz and V. H. Travnichek, editors. Conservation, ecology, and management of catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium 77, Bethesda, Maryland.
Harrison, A. B., S. G. George, W. T. Slack. 2011. Nymphal cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) as a prey item of shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) in the lower Mississippi River. Southeastern Naturalist 10 (2): 371-373.
George, S. G.. and W. T. Slack. 2010. Evidence of a contact zone for mudpuppies (Necturus sp.) in the lower Mississippi River. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 17(3): 156-157.
George, S. G. 2010. Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) swims the Mississippi River. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 17 (1): 40-41.
Hoover, J. J., A. Turnage, and K. J. Killgore. 2009. Swimming performance of juvenile paddlefish: quantifying risk of entrainment. Pages 141-155 in C.P. Paukert and G. D. Scholten (eds.), Paddlefish Management, Propagation, and Conservation in the 21st Century. American Fisheries Symposium 66.
Hoover, J.J., K.A. Boysen, C.E. Murphy, and S.G. George. 2009. Morphological variation in juvenile paddlefish. Pages 157-171 in Paukert, C. P., and G. Scholten (eds). Paddlefish Management, Propagation, and Conservation in the 21st Century: Building from 20 years of Research and Management. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
Divers, S.J, S. S. Boone, J.J. Hoover, K.A.Boysen, K.J. Killgore, C.E. Murphy, and S.G. George. 2009. Field endoscopy for identifying gender, reproductive stage and gonadal anomalies in free-ranging sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus) from the lower Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25: 68-74.
Hoover, J. J., S. G. George, and K. J. Killgore. 2007. Diet of shovelnose sturgeon and pallid sturgeon in the free-flowing Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23, 494-499.
Killgore, K. J., J. J. Hoover, S. G. George, B. R. Lewis, C. E. Murphy, and W. E. Lancaster. 2007a. Distribution, Relative Abundance, and Movements of Pallid Sturgeon in the Free-Flowing Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23, 476-483.
Killgore, K. J., , J. J. Hoover, J.P. Kirk, S. G. George, B. R. Lewis, and C. E. Murphy. 2007b. Age and growth of Pallid Sturgeon in the Free-Flowing Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23, 452-456.
Murphy, C.E., J.J. Hoover, S.G. George, and K.J. Killgore. 2007a. Morphometric variation among river sturgeons (Scaphirhynchus spp.) of the middle and lower Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23: 313-323.
Murphy, C., J. Hoover, S. George. B. Lewis, and J. Killgore. 2007b. Types and occurrence of morphological anomalies in the Scaphirhynchus spp. of the Middle and Lower Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23: 354-358
Hoover, J. J., K. J. Killgore, D. G. Clarke, H. Smith, A. Turnage, and J. Beard. 2005. Paddlefish and Sturgeon Entrainment by Dredges: Swimming Performance as an Indicator of Risk. ERDC TN-DOER-E22, Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS (Read Tech Note)
Hoover, J.J. 2004. Rare treasure from river bottom: juvenile goldeye (Hiodon alosoides) for medium-sized aquaria. American Currents 30[3]: 1-6.
Adams, S. R., G.L. Adams, G. L., and G.R. Parsons. 2003. Critical swimming speed and behavior of juvenile shovelnose sturgeon and pallid sturgeon. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.132: 392-397.<0392:CSSABO>2.0.CO;2
Parsons, G. R., J. J. Hoover, and K. J. Killgore. 2003. Effect of pectoral fin ray removal on station-holding ability of shovelnose sturgeon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 742-747.
Killgore, K.J., J.J. Hoover, R.A. Hrabik. 2002. Pallid sturgeon captured four years after its release. American Currents 28[2]: 30.
Killgore, K.J., S.T. Maynord, M.D. Chan, and R.P. Morgan, II. 2001. Evaluation of propeller-induced mortality on early life history stages of selected fish species. N. Am. J. Fish. Management 21: 947-955.<0947:EOPIMO>2.0.CO;2
Keevin, T. M., S. R. Adams, and K. J. Killgore. 2000. Effects of pressure changes induced by commercial navigation traffic on mortality of early life stages of fish. ENV Report 34, Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway System Navigation Study, ERDC-Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, 11 pp. (Available from ERDC Library through interlibrary loan.)
Hoover, J. J., K. J. Killgore, and S. G. George. 2000. Horned serpents, leaf dogs, and spoonbill cats: 500 years of paddlefish ponderings in North America. American Currents 26 (2): 1-10.
Adams, R., J.J. Hoover, and K.J. Killgore. 1998. Observations of swimming ability in shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 12: 631-633.
Adams, S.R., J.J. Hoover, and K.J. Killgore. 1999a. Swimming endurance of juvenile pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus. Copeia 1999: 802-807.
Adams, S.R., T.M. Keevin, K.J. Killgore, and J.J. Hoover. 1999b. Stranding potential of young fishes subjected to simulated vessel-induced drawdown. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 128: 1230-1234.<1230:SPOYFS>2.0.CO;2
Hoover, J.J. and K. J. Killgore. 1999. Juvenile pallid sturgeon in laboratory aquaria. American Currents 25 (4): 1-7.
Morrow, J.V., J.P. Kirk, K.J. Killgore, and S.G. George. 1998. Age, growth, and mortality of shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:725-730. 2.0.CO;2">2.0.CO;2"><0725:AGAMOS>2.0.CO;2
Hoover, J.J. and K.J. Killgore. 1998. Fish Communities. Pages 237-260 in M.G. Messina and W.H. Conner (eds), Southern Forested Wetlands(book), Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
Hoover, J. J., Killgore, K. J., and Walker, G. 1997. Fish habitat restoration of an oxbow lake in the Mississippi Delta. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Ecosystems Restoration and Creation, P. J. Cannizzaro, ed., Hillsborough Community College Institute of Florida Studies, Tampa, FL, 259-276
Baker, J.A., K.J. Killgore, and R.L. Kasul. 1991. Aquatic habitats and fish communities in the lower Mississippi River. Rev. Aquat. Sci. 3: 313-356.