The MVD CAD Resources webpage provides regional CAD information for all districts within the Mississippi Valley Division. Information available includes: the MVD A/E/C CAD Standard Supplement, MVD seed files, sample files, plus any applicable district-specific information or guidance. The MVD supplement is to be used in conjunction with the CAD/BIM Technology Center's AEC CAD Standard and the National CAD Standard. Any division or district guidance is there to clarify, not to contradict. For your convenience there are links to the A/E/C CAD Standard and related data.
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MicroStation border model file
Contains G-BSDxxx.dgn, an ANSI D (34" x 22") border model.
Updated 1/13/2010
*Revision Note* The border was updated in accordance with AEC CAD Standards v4.0.
The Sheet ID was modified. The labels on the issue box were relocated to the top of the issue box. |
| (ZIP, 58 KB) |
MicroStation seed files
Contains model and sheet seed files based on both architectural and engineering units. The sheet seeds reference the border model G-BSDxxx.dgn (available above), and are set up for ProjectWise titlebock integration (using tags).
*Note* This archive contains a units.def file that must be used with the accompanying seed files. Failure to do so could result in working unit errors. See the enclosed readme file for full installation details.
Updated 2/6/1010
*Revision Note* Updated titleblock tags. This included removing the district name with the Corps Castle and shifting the tags down in the issue block (due to the labels moving from the bottom of the issue box to the top). The Contract Number tag
definition was updated to match the PW attribute name (DOC_CONTRACT_NO). The Engineering model and sheet file's resolution was modified to 304800 per survey foot.
Updated 6/4/2008
*Revision Note* Working units of Default model in file Engineering_Sheet_Seed2d.dgn were changed to US survey feet and US survey inches to match existing sheet model.
Updated 11/26/2008
*Revision Note*The units.def file abbreviations to be used with international feet and survey feet were corrected.
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MicroStation Sample files
Contains sample cover, vicinity, and legend (symbols and abbreviations) sheets. These sheets reference the border model G-BSDxxx.dgn (available above), and are set up for ProjectWise titlebock integration (using tags).
Updated 2/9/2010
*Revision Note* Updated titleblock tags. This included removing the district name with the Corps Castle and shifting the tags down in the issue block (due to the labels moving from the bottom of the issue box to the top). The Contract Number tag definition was updated to match the PW attribute name (DOC_CONTRACT_NO). The scale of the
vicinity sheet was updated to 1"=1000'. The vicinity sheet was updated with the resolution set to 304800 per survey foot.
Added 5/17/2007 |
| (ZIP, 676 KB) |
MVD Signature Blocks for Cover Sheets
Contains a cell library and a MicroStation cover sheet with all of the signature blocks to be used within MVD, including HPO work. The information in the cell library and the MicroStation cover sheet is the same; we are providing two methods. Each district/HPO has 2 cells/levels (cells refers to the cell library and levels refer to the MicroStation cover sheet) to be used. The signature block cell/S level contains the signature block to be used. The as-built cell/A level contains text placement. The MicroStation cover sheet references the border model G-BSDxxx.dgn (available above), and is set up for ProjectWise titleblock integration (using tags).
When using the signature block, toggle on the appropriate district/HPO level. If there is a signature that is not being obtained, enter N/A (hand written). Do not modify the signature block. The as-built cell/A level is to be used at as-built time. The text placements are modified to reflect who signed the advertised cover sheet. This is so the signatures are not required to as-built the cover sheet.
If the signature blocks need to be updated to reflect changes in the organization or in who signs the drawings, please contact Chris Afdahl at This also applies when a district receives a new commander and they would like their title changed from Commander to Engineer or vice versa.
Updated 1/13/2010
*Revision Note* Updated titleblock tags. This included removing the
district name with the Corps Castle and shifting the tags down in the issue block (due to
the labels moving from the bottom of the issue box to the top). The Contract Number tag
definition was updated to match the PW attribute name (DOC_CONTRACT_NO). Also removed the district
name with the Corps Castle in the upper left corner.
Updated 09/13/2009
*Revision Note* The HPO signature block was updated. An additional HPO signature block was added for AE use. Samples of the HPO cover sheet with and without an AE are included in PDF.
Added 9/07/2008
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Structural Design Details
Contains structural design details referred to in the design consistency document for U5. These files are not drawn according to the CAD Standards (i.e. levels, names, borders, units, etc). Using any of these details assumes responsibility of upgrading the detail accordingly to meet applicable CAD standards.
If you wish to share any standard-updated details for inclusion in future development, please contact Chris Afdahl at
Updated 7/10/2007
(ZIP, 3.19 MB) |
Symbol Libraries for A/E/C CADD Standard 4.0
Contains cell libraries (*.cel) for all disciplines in MicroStation V8 format,
updated 7/27/2012 |
(ZIP, 733 KB) |
DGN Libraries for A/E/C CADD Standard 3.0
Contains DGN libraries (*.dgnlib) for all model types in MicroStation V8 format.
Added 6/11/2007 |
| (ZIP, 52 KB) |
DGN Library for Text and Dimension Styles
Contains DGN library (*.dgnlib) for A/E/C CADD Standard 3.0 compliant text and dimension styles.
Updated 10/26/2009 (see file's Comments for details) |
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MVD Standard Design Script (Pen Table)
Contains InterPlot design script (pen table - *.pen) for A/E/C CADD Standard 4.0 compliant plotted line weights and grey shading (aka "screening").
Updated 10/21/2009 |
modelfilenaming_MVD.pdf(PDF, 67 KB) |
This document is a cheat sheet for model file naming within MVD. It contains all of the tables needed for filenaming within one document.
Updated 2/6/2010
*Revision Note* Real Estate shall use RR (Resource Real Estate)
for model type.
Dated: 5/30/2007 |
sheetfilenaming_MVD.pdf(PDF, 77 KB) |
This document is a cheat sheet for sheet file naming within MVD. It contains all of the tables needed for filenaming within one document.
Updated 2/6/2010
*Revision Note* Table 2-3 was updated according to AEC CAD Standards 4.0.
Real Estate shall use level 2 designators RR (Resource Real Estate).
Dated: 8/3/2009 |
CADD Details Library
The CADD Details Library is a collection of generic construction details for use in either AutoCAD or MicroStation.
Added 6/11/2007 |