MRC Potamology Investigations Reports
NOTE: All reports in this section produced by the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station – WES (now the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Engineer Research and Development Center – ERDC) unless otherwise noted.
1-1, “Instructions and Outline for Potamology Investigations,” November 1947. (Read Report)
1-2, “Outline of Plans for the Potamology Investigations,” December 1947. (Read Report)
2-1, “Preliminary Flume Tests of Mississippi Revetment” (1st Interim Report), October 1947.
2-2, “Preliminary Tests of Mississippi River Dikes, Bank Stabilization Model,” June 1950. (Read Report)
2-3, “Preliminary Tests of Experimental Baffles, Bank Stabilization Model,” September 1951. (Read Report)
2-4, “Preliminary Flume Tests of Mississippi Revetment” (2nd Interim Report), November 1951. (Read Report)
2-5, “Investigation of Bank Stabilization, Miller Bend, Mississippi River,” April 1953. (Read Report)
2-6, “Verification of Bank-Stabilization Model,” July 1953. (Read Report)
3-1, “Interim Report on Investigation of Sand-Asphalt Revetment,” July 1948. (Read Report)
4-1, “Investigation of 110-Volt Echo Sounder,” July 1948 (Revised May 1950). (Read Report)
5-1, “Geological Investigation of Reid Bedford Caving Area,” July 1947. (Read Report)
5-2, “Field Investigation of Reid Bedford Bend Revetment, Mississippi River: Volume 1 – Text; Volume 2 – Plates; Volume 3 – Appendix A: Soils Investigation.” June 1948. (Read Volume 1) (Read Volume 2) (Read Volume 3)
5-3, “Triaxial Tests on Sands, Reid Bedford Bend, Mississippi River,” May 1950. (Read Report)
5-4, “Piezometer Observations at Reid Bedford Bend and Indicated Seepage Forces,” May 1950. (Read Report)
5-5, “Standard Penetration Tests, Reid Bedford Bend, Mississippi River,” May 1950. (Read Report)
5-6, “Undisturbed Sand Sampling and Cone Sounding Tests, Reid Bedford Bend Revetment, Mississippi River,” May 1951. (Read Report)
7-1, “Soils Investigation, Bauxippi-Wyanoke Revetment,” June 1951. (Read Report)
8-1, “Hardscrabble Bend, Mississippi River, Revetted Bank Failure; Soils Investigation,” June 1950. (Read Report)
9-1, “Bank Caving Investigations, Kempe Bend Revetment, Mississippi River; Soils Investigations,” November 1951. (Read Report)
10-1, “Preliminary Development of Instruments for the Measurement of Hydraulic Forces Acting in a Turbulent Stream,” June 1948. (Read Report)
10-2, “Turbulence in the Mississippi River,” May 1950. (Read Report)
10-3, “Evaluation of Instruments for Turbulence Measurements 1948-1949,” March 1951. (Read Report)
10-4, “Evaluation of Instruments for Turbulence Measurements 1949-1950,” April 1951. (Read Report)
11-0, “Resume of Conference Initiating Potamology Investigations,” February 1947.
11-1, “Report of Conference on Potamology Investigations - 15 March 1948,” March 1948. (Read Report)
11-2, “Report of First Potamology Conference with Hydraulics Consultants – 9-10 December 1948,” December 1948. (Read Report)
11-3, “Minutes of Conference on Soil Studies, Potamology Investigation – 18 April 1949,” April 1949. (Read Report)
11-4, “Report of Second Potamology Conference with Hydraulics Consultants – 23-24 May 1949,” May 1949. (Read Report)
11-5, “Minutes of Conference with Soils Consultants, Stability of Mississippi River Banks - 5 and 8 October 1949,” October 1949. (Read Report)
11-6, “Report of Conference on Potamology Investigations - 6-7 October 1949” (2 Volumes), April 1951. (Read Report)
11-7, “Minutes of Conference on Soil Aspects of Potamology Program - 17-18 June 1950,” October 1950. (Read Report)
11-8, “Minutes of Conference on Potamology Program - 5 April 1951,” April 1951. (Read Report)
12-1, “Density Changes of Sand Caused by Sampling and Testing,” June 1952. (Read Report)
12-2, “Summary Report of Soils Studies,” October 1952. (Read Report)
12-3, “Verification of Empirical Method of Determining Slope Stability,” April 1954. (Read Report)
12-4, “Verification of Empirical Method of Determining Slope Stability – 1954 Data,” June 1955. (Read Report)
12-5, “A Review of the Soils Studies,” June 1956. (Read Report)
12-6, “Verification of Empirical Method of Determining Slope Stability – 1955 Data,” July 1956. (Read Report)
12-7, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Slope Stability – 1956 Data,” June 1957. (Read Report)
12-8, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1957 Data,” January 1959. (Read Report)
12-9, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1958 Data,” September 1959. (Read Report)
12-10, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1959 Data,” December 1960. (Read Report)
12-11, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1960 Data,” December 1961. (Read Report)
12-12, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1961 Data,” October 1962. (Read Report)
12-13, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1962 Data,” by W.E. Strohm and W.K. Caldwell, September 1964. (Read Report)
12-14, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1963 Data,” W.E. Strohm and W.K. Caldwell, April 1965. (Read Report)
12-15, “Geological Influences on Bank Erosion Along Meanders of the Lower Mississippi River,” E.L. Krinitzsky, September 1965. (Read Report)
12-16, “Methods of Preventing Flow Slides,” D.C. Banks and W.E. Strohm, October 1965. (Read Report)
12-17, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1964 Data,” W.K. Caldwell, May 1966. (Read Report)
12-18, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1965 Data,” W.K. Caldwell and C.C. Calhoun, December 1967. (Read Report)
12-19, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1966 Data,” C.C. Calhoun, July 1968. (Read Report)
12-20, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1967 Data,” C.C. Calhoun and C.P. Flanagan, April 1969. (Read Report)
12-21, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1968 and 1969 Data,” V.H. Torrey, October 1972. (Read Report)
12-22, “Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability – 1970 and 1971 Data,” V.H. Torrey and A.R. Gann, April 1976. (Read Report)
13-1, “Bank Caving Investigations, Huntington Point Revetment, Mississippi River; Field Investigation,” June 1952. (Read Report)
14-1, “Goodrich Landing Revetment, Mississippi River, Field Investigation,” June 1952. (Read Report)
15-1, “Bank Caving Investigations, Free Nigger Point and Point Menoir, Mississippi River; Soils Investigation,” May 1952. (Read Report)
16-1, “Development of Operating Technique for and Verification of Channel-Meander Model,” September 1953. (Read Report)
17-1, “Hydrographic and Hydraulic Investigations of Mississippi Revetments; Field Investigations,” April 1954. (Read Report)
18-1, “Rotary Cone Penetrometer Investigations,” June 1962. (Read Report)
18-2, “Verification of Cone Criteria for Determining Riverbank Stability,” W.E. Strohm and L. Devay, June 1965. (Read Report)
19-1, “Hydraulic Analysis of Mississippi River Channels, Miles 373 to 603, Fiscal Year 1964; Potamology Research Project No. 10,” M.G. Anding, USACE Vicksburg District, September 1965. (Read Report)
19-2, “Resume of Research Studies of Hydraulic Characteristics of Mississippi River Channels; Interim Report FY 1967; Potamology Research Project 10,” P.W. Pierce and C.M. Elliott, USACE Vicksburg District, April 1967. (Read Report)
19-3, “Hydraulic Characteristics of Mississippi River Channels; Interim Report FY 1970; Potamology Research Project No. 10,” M.G. Anding, USACE Vicksburg District, June 1970. (Read Report)
20-1, “Effects of River Stages on Bank Stabilization; Analysis of Field Data; Potamology Research Project 1,” J.J. Franco, December 1965. (Read Report)
21-1, “Sand-Filled Bags as Dike Material; Potamology Research Project 9,” R.T. Easley, USACE Memphis District, March 1967. (Read Report)
21-2, “Review of Past Experience with Contraction Works; Potamology Research Project 9,” J.G. Fairley and R.T. Easley, USACE Memphis District, March 1967. (Read Report)
21-3, “Investigation of Existing Dike Systems; Potamology Research Project 9,” B.J. Littlejohn, USACE Memphis District, June 1970. (Read Report)
21-4, “Use of Plastic Filter Cloth in Revetment Construction; Potamology Research Project 11,” J.G. Fairley, R.T. Easley, J.H. Bowman, and B.J. Littlejohn, USACE Memphis District, June 1970. (Read Report)
21-5, “Use of Plastic Filter Cloth in Revetment Construction; Potamology Research Project 11,” B.J. Littlejohn, USACE Memphis District, August 1977. (Read Report)