Geomorphic Assessments

Mississippi River geomorphology is the study of how the geometric features of the river have changed over time. Geomorphic assessment provides the foundation for projecting future trends with and without proposed project features. It integrates field surveys, existing gage data, sediment data, measurements of channel geometry, and other hydraulic data to characterize hydrologic trends, interactions of the river, and natural and anthropogenic changes to the waterway.

The ongoing geomorphic assessments will:

  • Identify control points and problem locations.
  • Support division of the system into distinct reaches or areas that may be individually classified with respect to morphology.
  • Be critical to the calibration of numerical models and the proper interpretation of numerical model results.


Geomorphic Assessment Publications:

Little Jr., C.D. 2014. Geomorphic Assessment of Pass a Loutre and South Pass, Mississippi River Delta. MRG&P Report No. 3, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS. 63 p. (Read Report) 

Little Jr., C.D. and D.S. Biedenharn. 2014.  Mississippi River Hydrodynamic and Delta Management Study (MRHDM) - Geomorphic Assessment. ERDC/CHL TR-14-5. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. (Read Report)