U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District (MVK) reports
“Mississippi River Flood Control by Dredging,” R.K. Stewart, 1945.
“Mississippi River Dredging,” R.G. Lovett, Project Report (unpublished), 1947.
“Channel Stabilization Work in the Vicksburg District,” Committee on Channel Stabilization, Symposium on Channel Stabilization Problems, TR-1, Vol 4, Chapter 1, February 1966.
“Potamology Studies, Hydraulic Analysis of Mississippi River Channels,” Committee on Channel Stabilization, Symposium on Channel Stabilization Problems, TR-1, Vol 4, Chapter 3, February 1966.
“Evaluation of Dike Systems – Baleshed and Ajax Bar Reach (Mile 495.8-479.8 AHP); Study of Effects of Baleshed Landing Dike System, Report No. 1-1,” March 1966.
“Special Study Report – Choctaw Bar Reach (Mile 555.8-567.0 AHP); Analysis of Channels and Probable Effects of Proposed Dikes, Report No. 3-1,” July 1967.
“Evaluation of Dike Systems – Upper Greenville Reach (Mile 541.5-550.5 AHP); Hydraulic Analysis of Channels and Evaluation of Dike Systems, Report No. 1-2,” April 1968.
“Influence of Geology on the Regimen of a River,” B.R. Winkley, Preprint 1078, ASCE, 1970.
“Geometric Stability Analysis of an Alluvial River,” B.R. Winkley and L.G. Robbins, Proceedings, Mississippi Water Resources Conference, pp 75-102, 1970.
“River Regulation with Aid of Nature,” B.R. Winkley, 8th IDFC Congress, 1972.
“Metamorphis of a River: A Comparison of the Mississippi River Before and After Cutoffs,” Proceedings, Mississippi Water Resources Conference (supplemental report), 1973.
“Potamology Data Collection on Lower Mississippi River,” C.M. Elliott, Journal, Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol 96, No. WW3, pp 601-622. August 1970.
300-1, “Suspended Sediment and Bed Material Studies on the Lower Mississippi River,” L.G. Robbins, USACE Vicksburg District, August 1977. (Read Report)
300-2, “Man-Made Cutoffs on the Lower Mississippi River, Conception, Construction, and River Response,” B.R. Winkley, USACE Vicksburg District, March 1977. (Read Report)