Report 1, “Characterization of the Suspended-Sediment Regime and Bed-Material Gradation of the Mississippi River Basin,” Volume 1 and Volume 2, M.P. Keown, E.A. Dardeau Jr., and E.M. Causey, USACE Waterways Experiment Station, August 1981. (Read Volume 1) (Read Volume 2)
Report 2, “Phase 1 Investigation of Neotectonic Activity within the Lower Mississippi Valley Division,” S.A. Schumm, C.C. Watson, and A.W. Burnett, Water Engineering Technology, Inc., September 1982. (Read Report)
Report 3, “Channel Stabilization Study,” R. Wells, USACE Memphis District, December 1982. (Read Report)
Report 4, “Analysis of Major Parameters Affecting the Behavior of the Mississippi River,” J.R. Tuttle and W. Pinner, USACE Lower Mississippi Valley Division, December 1982. (Read Report)
Report 5, “Downward Trend in Mississippi River Suspended-Sediment Loads,” E.A. Dardeau Jr. and E.M. Causey, USACE Waterways Experiment Station, July 1990. (Read Report)
Report 6, “Impact of Changes in Suspended-Sediment Loads on the Regime of Alluvial Rivers," D.S. Mueller and E.A. Dardeau Jr., USACE Waterways Experiment Station, October 1990. (Read Report)
Report 7, “Particle Size Distribution of Bed Sediments along the Thalweg of the Mississippi River, Cairo, IL to Head of Passes, September 1989,” C.F Nordin and B.S. Queen. Colorado State University. September 1992. (Read Report)