U.S. Geological Reports (authored by H.N. Fisk, MRC consultant)
“Reports on Possible Factors Contributing to Bank Erosion near Baleshed Towhead,” G.H. Matthes, MRC, 11 August 1941.
“Application of Geological Studies to Underseepage Problems in the Lower Mississippi Valley,” MRC, 12 December 1941.
“Geological Study of Underseepage Conditions at Elton Slough (La.),” MRC, 24 February 1942.
“Geological Report on the Baton Rouge Underseepage Area,” MRC, 7 July 1942.
“Geological Report on the Wilson Point Underseepage Area (River Mile 492 AHP) La.,” MRC, 9 September 1942.
“Geological Report on the Commerce Underseepage Area (Miss.),” MRC, 10 September 1942.
“Geological Report on the Trotters Underseepage Area (Miss.),” MRC, 12 September 1942.
“Geological Report on the Abandoned Carlisle Lake Meander Area near Homochitta, Miss. (River Mile 485 AHP),” MRC, 10 May 1943.
“Preliminary Investigation of the Sediment Forming the Floor of the Channel of the Mississippi River Between Mile 270 and 281 B.C.,” MRC, 12 May 1942.
“Geological History of the Alluvial Valley of the Mississippi River,” MRC, 9 December 1942.
“Summary of Observations on the Occurrence of Seepage Made During the Geological Investigation of Underseepage Sites,” MRC, November 1942.
“Sediment Report, Warfield Point and Greenville Bend (River Mile 528 AHP),” MRC,12 June 1943.
“Geological Report on Clay Plugs in the Vicksburg Engineer District,” MRC, 15 June 1943.
“Geological Study of Sediments Adjacent to the American Cut-Off Revetment,” MRC, 16 July 1943.
“Summary of the Geology of the Lower Alluvial Valley of the Mississippi River,” MRC, 30 October 1943.
“Geological Investigation of Faulting at Vacherie, La.,” MRC, 17 May 1943.
“Geological Investigation of the Lower Alluvial Valley of the Mississippi River” (Printed), MRC, 1 December 1944.
“Geological Aspects of Increased Atchafalaya River Flow,” MRC, 9 July 1945.
“Geological Investigation of the Sediments in the Palmyra Lake Area,” MRC, 20 May 1946.
“Geological Investigation of the Sediments of the Wilson Point Area (La.),” MRC, 30 May 1946.
“Preliminary Report on Borings in the Alluvial Valley,” MRC, 2 October 1946.
“Fine-Grained Alluvial Deposits and Their Effects on Mississippi River Activity,” MRC, 1 July 1947.
“Geological Investigation, Reid Bedford Bank Caving Area (Madison Parish, La.),” MRC, 25 July 1947. (Read report)
“Geological Investigation of Underseepage Sites in Memphis, Vicksburg, and New Orleans Engineer Districts,” WES, December 1947.