2011 Post-Flood Report. This document contains 6 sections: Operation Watershed Recovery Overview; 2012 Flood Preparedness Summary; Room for the River; MR&T Post Flood Report; IRTF Annual Report; and 1973 Post Flood Report. Contact the MVD Public Affairs to request copy of the report on a CD.
Field Data will drive the recommendations that come from the Mississippi River Geomorphology and Potamology project. The MRGP plans to build on the results of past projects. The data assessments have two classifications: existing and new.
Existing Data Assessment provides access to documents from earlier studies and research. Additional information will be added when it is available.
New Field Data Collection materials will be added throughout the multi-year science and technology research project.
Historic Studies contain a bibliography of studies and reports dating back to the 1920s.The studies are set in 14 categories related the geomorphology and potamology. Links are provided to the documents that are available either online or through an interlibrary loan request to the ERDC library.
ERDC Mississippi River Studies are from the Fish Ecology Team of U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center – Environmental Laboratory (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Mississippi that has been conducting environmental studies for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) and its districts as well as the Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program at ERDC since the 1990’s.