Technical Reports

MRG&P Technical Report No. 47. Mississippi River AdH Model Modification and Evaluation, Thebes, Illinois, to Birds Point, Missouri, Reach. 2024. Brauer, E., Sanborn, S., Pokrefke, T., McAnally, W., and Wallen, C. 185 p. (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 46. Ecological Model to Evaluate Borrow Areas in the Lower Mississippi River. 2024. Killgore, J., Hoover, J, Oliver, A., Slack T., and Katzenmeyer, A. 48 p. (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 45.  Acoustic Doppler current profiler study of water and sediment Movement through a deep scour hole in the  Lower Mississippi River . 2023 Ramirez, M., Dahl T., and Brown, G. 88 p. (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 44.  Numerical analysis of dike effects on the Mississippi River using a two-dimensional Adaptive Hydraulics model (ADH). 2022. McKnight, C., May, D. and Jones, K.  42 p.  (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 43.  Sediment supply from bank caving on the Lower Mississippi River, 1765 to present. 2022. Murray, A. and Biedenharn D.  50 p.  (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 42.  Legacy datums and changes in benchmark elevation through time at the Low Sill and Overbank Structures, Louisiana. 2022. Dunbar, J.  92 p.  (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 41.  Technical Assessment of the Old, Mississippi, Atchafalaya, and Red (OMAR) Rivers: main report. 2022. Lewis, J., Ashley, J., Lauth, T., Biedenharn, D., Dahl, T., Copeland, R., Savant, G., Brown, G., Leech, J., Donohue, P., Harris, K., Mayne, C., Jones, K., Fertitta, D., Ramirez, D., Ayres, M., Little, C., Dunbar, J. and Torres, N.  70 p. (Main ReportVolume 2; Geomorphic Assessment Volume 3; channel geometry analysis Volume 4; Mississippi River HEC-6T model; Volume 5 Atchafalaya River HEC-6T model;  Volume 6; multi-dimensional model  Volume 7 AdH model Volume 8 HEC-RAS model; Volume 9 BSTEM analysis

MRG&P Technical Report No. 40.  Three-dimensional underseepage evaluation for Profit Island vicinity levee, north of Baton Rogue, Louisiana. 2022. Tsai, F., Jafari, N.,  Chen, Y. and Cadigan, J.  106 p. (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 39.  Hydrodynamics in the Morganza Floodway and Atchafalaya Basin.  2022. Bell, G., Abraham, D., Savant, G. and Emiren, A. 130 p. (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 38.  Effects of geologic outcrops on long-term geomorphic trends: New Madrid, MO, to Hickman, KY.  2021. Dahl, T., Giles, J., Staebell, K., Biedenharn, D. and Dunbar, J.  38 p.  (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 37.  Hydraulic Dike Effects Investigation on the Mississippi River: Natchez to Baton Rouge. 2021. May, D., Biedenharn, D., McAlpin, T., and Wamsley, T. 23 p. (Read Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 36.  Empirical Analysis of Effects of Dike Systems on Channel Morphology of the Lower Mississippi River.  2021.  Mayne, C., D. May, and D. Biedenharn.  36 p.  (Read Report 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 35.  Mississippi River Adaptive Hydraulics Model Development and Evaluation, Commerce to New Madrid, Missouri, Reach.  2021.  Gaines, R.A., S. Sanborn, W. McAnally, and C. Wallen.  226 p.  (Read Report)  

MRG&P Technical Report No. 34.  Changes in Hydrology and Suspended-Sediment Transport in the Mississippi River Basin over the Past Century.  2020.  Simon, A., K. Artita, G. Simon, S. Darby, and J. Leyland.  297 p.  (Read Report)  

MRG&P Technical Report No. 33.  Hydraulic Analysis and Modeling of Navigation Conditions near the Mississippi River Bridges in Vicksburg, Mississippi.  2020.  Jones, K.E., T. O. McAlpin, and T. N. Waller.  140 p.  (Read Report 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 32.  Lake Providence to Old River Geomorphology Assessment.  2020. Echevarria-Doyle, W., D. S. Biedenharn, and C. D. Little, Jr.  80 p.  (Read Report 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 31.  Application of Chirp Acoustic Sub-Bottom Data in Riverine Environments: Identification of Underlying Rocky Hazards at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Thebes, Illinois.  2020.  Wadman, H. M. and J. E. McNinch.  47 p.  (Read Report 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 30.  Numerical Sedimentation Investigation Mississippi River Cairo to Pilots Station.  2020.  Copeland, R. R., L. M. Lombard, and R. A. Gaines.  230 p.  (Read Report 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 29.  Comparison of Benthic Fish Assemblages along Revetted and Natural Banks in the Lower Mississippi River: A 30-Year Perspective.  2020.  Killgore, K. J., and S. G. George.  33 p.  (Read Report 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 28.  Mississippi River and Tributaries Future Flood Conditions.  2019.  Lewis, J. W., A. A. Tavakoly, C. A. Martin, and C. D. Moore.  31 p.  (Read Report 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 27.  Hydrodynamic, Salinity, and Morphological Modeling Study of a Sediment Diversion: An Application of the Adaptive Hydraulics Model/SEDLIB Sediment Transport Library.  2019.  Brown, G. L., and K. C. Pevey.  86 p.  (Read Report 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 26.  Hydrodynamics in the Morganza Floodway and Atchafalaya Basin Report 2: Phase 2.  2018.  Bell, G. L., D. D. Abraham, and N. D. Clifton.  134 p.  (Read Report

MRG&P Technical Report No. 25.  HEC-RAS Unsteady Flow and Sediment Model of the Mississippi River: Tarbert Landing to the Gulf.  2018.  Dahl, T. A., R. E. Heath, S. A. Gibson, and C. J. Nygaard.  81 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 24.  Mississippi River and Tributaries Flowline Assessment.  2018.  (Executive SummaryVolume 1 - Main Report; Volume 2 - Hydrology Report; Volume 3 - Hydraulics Report; Volume 4 - Mississippi River Sedimentation Report; Volume 5: Atchafalaya River Sedimentation Report)

MRG&P Technical Report No. 23.  Morganza Control Structure Forebay: Numerical Hydraulic Model Investigation.  2018.  Heath, R. E., D. P. May, J. R. Leech, G. Savant, and P. V. Luong.  37 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 22.  Mississippi River Bedform Roughness and Streamflow Conditions near Vicksburg, Mississippi: Data Collection Summary and Analysis.  2018.  Ramirez, M. T., S. J. Smith, J. W. Lewis, and T. C. Pratt.  357 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 21.  Analysis of the 2011 Mississippi River Flood from Natchez, MS, to Baton Rouge, LA, Using a Three-Dimensional Sediment Model: Model Development and Calibration.  2018.  Ayres, S. K.  84 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 20.  Two-Dimensional Hydraulics and Sediment Transport Modeling of the Racetrack Reach of the Mississippi River, 1965-1969.  2018.  Leech, J. R., D. P. May, T. O. McAlpin, and B. A. Kleiss.  50 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 19.  Mississippi River: Natchez to Baton Rouge Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Model.  2018.  Leech, J. R., D. P. May, and T. O. McAlpin.  57 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 18.  Bed-load and water surface measurements during the 2011 Mississippi River Flood at Vicksburg, Mississippi.  2018.  Jones, K. E., D. D. Abraham, and T. O. McAlpin.  52 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 17.   The Influence of Geology on the Morphologic Response of the Lower Mississippi River.  2018.  Biedenharn, D. S., C. D. Little, Jr., J. B. Dunbar, and R. A. Gaines.  55 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 16.  Bed Material Sizes, Variability, and Trends in the Lower Mississippi River and their Significance to Calculated Bed Material Loads.  2017.  Thorne, C. R., D. S. Biedenharn, C.D. Little, Jr., K. Wofford, T. McCullough, C.C. Watson.  31 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 15.  Mississippi River 2016 Winter Stage Trends.  2017.  May, D. P., Biedenharn, David, S., Johnson, Brian S., and Howe, Edmund M.  31 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 14. 2015 Updated Atlas of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Historic Daily Tide Data in Coastal Louisiana.  2017.  Veatch, William C.  40 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 13.  Hydrodynamics in the Morganza Floodway Report 1: Phase 1 – Model development and calibration.  2017.  Bell, Gary L., Clifton, Nathan D., and Abraham, David D.  39 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 12.  Suspended Sediment Loads and Tributary Inputs into the Mississippi River below St. Louis, MO, 1990–2013: A Comparison with the Keown et al. (1981) Report.  2017.  Allison, Mead A., Biedenharn, David S., and Little, Charles D., Jr.  120 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 11.  Channel Geometry Trends of the Mississippi River, Old River Control Complex to St. Louis, Missouri.  2017.  Little, Charles D., Jr., Biedenharn, David S., Allison, Mead A., McCullough, Troy, and Wofford, Koby.  120 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 10.  Large-scale Geomorphic Change in the Mississippi River from St. Louis, MO, to Donaldsonville, LA, as Revealed by Specific Gage Records.  2017.  Biedenharn, David S., Allison, Mead A., Little, Charles D., Jr., Thorne, Colin R., and Watson, Chester C.  53 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 9.  Merriwether-Cherokee Potamology Study.  2017.  Hall, Brian M., Gaines, Roger A. Lin, L. Yu, and Waller, Kandi H.  628 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 8.  Change in Lower Mississippi River Secondary Channels : An Atlas of Bathymetric and Photographic data.  2016.  Guntren, E. F., A. J. M. Oliver, T. M. Keevin, and D. C. Williams.  533 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 7.  Particle Size Distribution of Bed Sediments along the Mississippi River, Grafton, Illinois to Head of Passes, Louisiana, November 2013.  2016.  Gaines, R. A. and A. M. Priestas.  224 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 6.  Old River Control Complex Sedimentation Investigation.  2015.  Heath, R. E., G. L. Brown, C. D. Little, Jr., T. C. Pratt,  J. J. Ratcliff, D. D. Abraham, D. W. Perkey, N. B. Ganesh, S. K. Martin, D. P. May.  150 p.  (Read Report) .  .

MRG&P Technical Report No. 5.  Southwest Pass Outlets Bathymetry and Flow Distribution Assessment, Data Collection Summary and Analysis2015.  Ayres, S. K.  42 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 4. Conservation Plan for the Interior Least Tern, Pallid Sturgeon, and Fat Pocketbook Mussel in the Lower Mississippi River (Endangered Species Act, Section 7(a)(1)).  2014.  Killgore, J. K., T. Slack, J. J. Hoover, A. B. Harrison, P. D. Hartfield, D. S. Biedenharn, and B. A. Kleiss.  101 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 3. Geomorphic Assessment of Pass a Loutre and South Pass, Mississippi River Delta2014.  Little Jr, C. D.  63 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 2.  Pictorial Account and Landscape Evolution of the Crevasses near Fort St. Philip, Louisiana.  2014.  Suir, G. M., W. R. Jones, A. L. Garber, and J. A. Barras.  47 p.  (Read Report) 

MRG&P Technical Report No. 1.  A Review of the Lower Mississippi River Potamology Program.  2014.  Biedenharn, D. S., W. A. Stroupe, and J. H. Brooks.  47 p.  (Read Report)