Archive: November, 2020
  • Mississippi Valley Division’s R5: Forging ahead for FY21

    The week of Oct. 19 – 23 was bustling at Vicksburg District headquarters as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) and District leaders convened for the annual major subordinate command (MSC) Regional Governance Boards known as R5. If you aren’t familiar with the R5, the purpose of the meeting is a financial, program, and project review of the previous fiscal year (FY) and an assessment of the upcoming three FYs with a focus on the direction of the organization through the development of Lines of Effort (LoE).
  • National Great Rivers Museum Temporarily Closed

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be closing the National Great Rivers Museum beginning close of
  • Corps to reduce outflows, begin repairs to Saylorville Lake outlet channel

    Over the next few weeks, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District will be modifying outflows at Saylorville Lake to facilitate repairs in the outlet channel below the dam. At times, outflows will be reduced to zero to accommodate concrete placement and curing. Ongoing coordination with downstream communities is underway to ensure successful completion of the work with minimal impacts to these areas.
  • USACE publishes Mississippi River mainline levees Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

    VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) published its Final Supplement II (Final SEIS II) to the 1976 Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) Project, Mississippi River Mainline Levees (MRL), in the Federal Register today, Nov. 13.
  • Contract awarded for Lac qui Parle Dam modernization

    ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, awarded a $5.7 million contract to Drax, Inc., out of Madison, Wisconsin, for the modernization of the Lac qui Parle Dam near Watson, Minnesota, yesterday, Nov. 12.