Corps of Engineers to host Lock and Dam 4 open house

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published July 14, 2021
Lock and Dam 4 open house

Staff at Lock and Dam 4, in Alma, Wis., hosted an open house – attended by more than 600 people – on July 28, 2018. The doors were open for the curious to explore the lock house, lock walls and even the structures atop the dam that house the machinery used to operates the roller gates. Those in attendance were also able to see several recreation vessels lock through and, shortly after noon, witnessed the Motor Vessel Show Me State lock through 12 barges on its way downstream!

ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is hosting an open house at Lock and Dam 4, in Alma, Wisconsin, Saturday, July 31, to coincide with the city’s Swiss Heritage Days.

This free event is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The public will get a behind-the-scenes perspective of the lock and dam while meeting the staff and learning about the importance of navigation to the region. The public will also get to learn about the importance of water safety and possibly catch a front-row seat as vessels lock through.

For accessibility questions or more information, please contact the Lock and Dam 4 staff directly at (608) 685-4421.

The St. Paul District’s navigation program provides a safe, reliable and cost-effective and environmentally sustainable waterborne transportation system on the Upper Mississippi River for the movement of commercial goods and for national security needs. To do this, the district maintains a 9-foot navigation channel and 13 locks and dams from Minneapolis to Guttenberg, Iowa. Keeping this system open is vital to the nation’s economy.

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Release no. 21-059