Two of the many examples of MR&T environmental projects are the Davis Pond and Caernarvon freshwater diversion structures on the Mississippi River above and below New Orleans. Together the projects divert more than 18,000 cubic feet of fresh water pre second to coastal marshlands to reduce coastal land loss and preserve thousands of acres of critical marsh habitat.
Another example of the environmental features of the MR&T project includes the use of articulated concrete mattress to stabilize the banks of the lower Mississippi River. Environmental studies of revetments have been conducted that indicate revetments support abundant benthic invertebrate and fish populations and re-vegetate over time with early successional tree species such as willow and cottonwood. The studies also determined that the surface of the articulated concrete mattresses could be grooved during the casting process at no cost to increase surface area and provide a favorable substrate for growth of aquatic insect larvae that are important fish food. Grooved articulated concrete mattresses can increase larval insect production 2-3 fold. Since 1992, all lower Mississippi River revetments have been grooved.