Tag: levees
  • Mississippi River Commission and Corps of Engineers tour Missouri River

    Leaders from The Mississippi River Commission along with leaders from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers toured the Missouri River Mar. 29 – Apr. 1. Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon, chief of engineers and commanding general, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Brig. Gen. D. Peter Hemlinger, commander, Northwestern Division, Col. William Hannan Jr., commander, Kansas City District and Col. Mark Himes, commander, Omaha District, met with partners and stakeholders and visited sites along the river.
  • USACE Opens Updated National Levee Database

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) today opened the updated National Levee Database (NLD) for public access. The NLD is a living, dynamic information source that provides visualization and search capability on the location and condition of levee systems nationwide.