VICKSBURG, Miss. -- The Mississippi Valley Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) coordinates all flood fight activities in the Mississippi Valley. Currently, the Memphis, and New Orleans Districts have begun Phase I flood fight activities.
The Lower Mississippi Valley is currently forecast to receive 1-2 inches of rainfall over the next seven days.
The lower White River basin, a tributary of the Mississippi River within the Memphis District, is experiencing minor to moderate flooding and is currently near crest levels. This area is forecast to begin falling next week. These stages have prompted the Memphis District to begin Phase 1 activation of their Emergency Management Office. Although there is minor flooding on this tributary, the Mississippi River at Memphis is forecast to crest approximately 5 feet below minor flood stage.
Within New Orleans District, the Mississippi River at Red River Landing and New Orleans are forecast to crest slightly above Phase I activation level but are forecasted to begin falling in the next 7-14 days. New Orleans District has also begun Phase 1 operations.
The USACE Emergency Operations Center in Memphis, and New Orleans Districts directs all flood fight activities in its area of responsibility in conjunction with the affected states, levee districts, and other local interest groups.
During Phase I flood fight activities, USACE personnel deploy to the affected areas and monitor all federal flood control works including levees, flood walls, and pumping stations They will also continue to monitor rainfall amounts in the affected areas, and National Weather Service forecasts to determine if further action is warranted. USACE will deploy additional personnel and resources as required to help ensure the safety of life and property.
Material assistance may be provided with close coordination with state and local authorities. Material assistance may include portable pumps to remove water from flooded areas, plastic sheeting to cover levees and help minimize levee slides and erosion, and sandbags.
Citizens are strongly encouraged to stay in touch with their local authorities and emergency management officials for updates on conditions in their areas.
The federal flood control works in the Mississippi Valley protect many thousands of homes, millions of lives, and vast tracts of fertile cropland.
Release no. 23-001