Corps to temporarily reduce flows at Orwell Dam

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published June 5, 2020

ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will be reducing flows from Orwell Dam, near Fergus Falls, Minnesota, starting at 7 a.m. on June 9, in order to allow Otter Tail County staff to relocate mussels for a bridge replacement project downstream of the dam.

The mussel relocation will take place from June 9 to 13. The changes in flows will last approximately five to seven days.

Flows will be reduced to allow divers to safely relocate mussels away from the work zone. The pool elevation will be lowered a few feet below normal operating levels before the reduction in flows and will slowly rise a few feet above normal during the work. This will help the team complete the work as safely as possible.  

“The public should be aware river levels will fluctuate multiple times per day during this time and should use caution,” said Mitch Weier, St. Paul District water manager. ”Please exercise caution if you are near the area as people may be in the water collecting mussels. Also remember to please wear a life jacket.”


Public Affairs

Release no. 20-051