CBU Students Shadow Engineers
Two students from Christian Brothers University learned about real-world engineering applications from engineers at USACE Memphis District today. Hosted by CBU alumni and USACE civil engineer Carol Jones, Lauren Harrett, a junior, and Sara Regina “Reggie” Raney, a freshman, spent a day meeting with engineers, biologists and archaeologists. Explorations of geospatial engineering, hydraulics and hydrology, channel improvement, design, environmental, geotechnical and levee system analyses, programs and project management were all on their agenda, and concluded with career opportunities available in USACE. “I was able to see how what I was learning was being applied in the real world of engineering,” said Raney. “As a junior, I’ve completed my major requirements and starting my electives,” said Harrett, “Today’s opportunity has helped me decide which electives to choose.” (USACE Photo/Brenda L. Beasley)

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Photo by: Brenda L. Beasley |  VIRIN: 140313-A-EH383-002.JPG